此版本更新内容如下: 改进 paramAttributes option has been renamed to props. v-with has been removed. Now props are the only way to pass data to a child component. v-component has been removed. Now all components should use the custom tag syntax. For dynamic components, a new syntax is introduced: <component type="{{view}}"></component>. v-partial and {{> partial}} have been removed. 目标是移除 API 的一些 cruft。 新特性 异步组件。示例: components: { async: function (resolve) { setTimeout(function () { resolve({ template: '<div>I am async!</div>' }) }, 1000) } } elementDirectives。示例: Vue.elementDirective('my-stuff', { update: function () { /* ... */ } }) <my-stuff></my-stuff> 优化 props now support explicit one-way binding with the syntax of prop="{{* oneway}}" props can now contain multiple mustache tags, e.g. prop="{{a}} b" props can now contain filters, e.g. prop="{{a | reverse}}" props can now contain expressions, e.g. prop="{{a + b}}" When a prop's parent expression is not "settable", the prop binding will be automatically one-way. All props are created and observed by default when a component is instantiated. When a component with replace:true is compiled, attributes on its placeholder node are now properly merged with the attributes on the component's template root node. Details: If both nodes have class attributes, the class names are merged. If both nodes have the same directive attribute, they will be compiled respectively in their own scope. (placeholder directives in parent scope and template root directives in child scope) If both nodes have the same plain attribute, the template root node will take priority. Errors in simple path getters are now suppressed by default. e.g. a.b.c when a === {} 此版本现已提供下载:https://github.com/yyx990803/vue/archive/0.12.0-beta2.zip。 Vue.js 是构建 Web 界面的 JavaScript 库,提供数据驱动的组件,还有简单灵活的 API,使得 MVVM 更简单。 支持的浏览器:https://saucelabs.com/u/vuejs Vue.js 0.12.0 Beta2 发布,JavaScript 库下载地址