Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.14 发布了,Apache Jackrabbit 是由 Apache Foundation 提供的 JSR-170 的开放源码实现.. 详细改进记录: Bug [OAK-2569] - LuceneIndex#loadDocs can throw IllegalArgumentException [OAK-2750] - Indexing for sorting can fail if value is too long [OAK-2778] - DocumentNodeState is null for revision rx-x-x [OAK-2796] - Persistent cache: old files not removed sometimes [OAK-2798] - OakIndexInput should unset OakIndexFile's byte[] upon close [OAK-2815] - Persistent cache may block commit [OAK-2817] - TARMK Cold Standby cleanup removes too many binary segments [OAK-2824] - Backport OAK-2238 to branches [OAK-2838] - Test failure: OSGiIT [OAK-2855] - CopyOnReadDirectory mode might delete a valid local file upon close [OAK-2860] - RDBBlobStore: seen insert failures due to duplicate keys [OAK-2863] - No matching result found with use of relative property names in fulltext search in some cases Improvement [OAK-2783] - Make LDAP connection pool 'testOnBorrow' configurable [OAK-2804] - Conditional remove on DocumentStore [OAK-2806] - Provide property path in warning log for large multi value property [OAK-2809] - Save Lucene directory listing as array property [OAK-2814] - Refactor the optimize logic regarding path include and exclude to avoid duplication [OAK-2818] - Log _lastRev background updates [OAK-2841] - Log NodePropBundle id for which no bundle is found [OAK-2861] - TARMK Cold Standby better binary decoding New Feature [OAK-2599] - Allow excluding certain paths from getting indexed for particular index Task [OAK-1678] - document atomicity of DS.remove(collection, keys) Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.14 发布下载地址