Jackson 是一个 Java 用来处理 JSON 格式数据的类库,性能非常好。 Jackson 2.5.3 发布,这是 2.5 版本的一个小更新,更新内容如下: 核心改进 Streaming #191: Longest collision chain in symbol table now exceeds maximum, for single-quoted-character symbols Core Databind #731:XmlAdapterresult marshaling error in case of ValueType ==Object.class #742: Allow deserialization ofnullObject Id (missing already allowed) #744: Custom deserializer with parent object update failing #745:EnumDeserializer.deserializerForCreator()fails when used to deserialize a Map key #761: Builder deserializer: in-compatible type exception when return type is super type #766: Fix Infinite recursion (StackOverflowError) when serializing a SOAP object 改进,数据类型 JSR-310 #21:ClassNotFoundExceptionin OSGi 改进,数据格式 CSV #75: Support escapes at beginning of the file 改进,其他模块 Scala #202: Getter is not detected correctly when method name is identical to variable name JAXB Annotations #40: XmlElementRef ignored if inside XmlElementWrapper 更多内容请看发行说明。 Jackson 2.5.3 发布,高性能 JSON 处理库下载地址