PostgreSQL 9.4.2, 9.3.7, 9.2.11, 9.1.16 和 9.0.20 发布,这些版本现已提供下载。此版本修复了 PostgreSQL 9.3 和 9.4 版本中的数据崩溃问题,强烈建议用户尽快升级到最新版本! 安全修复 CVE-2015-3165 Double "free" after authentication timeout. CVE-2015-3166 Unanticipated errors from the standard library. CVE-2015-3167 pgcrypto has multiple error messages for decryption with an incorrect key. 此外,我们建议所有用户使用 Kerberos、 GSSAPI 或 SSPI 身份验证设置 pg_hba.conf 中的 include_realm 为 1,未来版本中都将默认这个设置。 新版本中相比老版本中有个不同的返回类型,所以在升级之前 CIText 用户需要先运行"ALTER EXTENSION citext UPDATE"功能测试应用程序。 其他修复和改进 除了以上的改进,还包括超过 50 个 bug 修复: Render infinite dates and timestamps as infinity when converting to json Fix json/jsonb's populate_record() and to_record() Fix incorrect checking of deferred exclusion constraints Improve planning of star-schema-style queries Fix three issues with planning joins Ensure correct locking with security barrier views Fix deadlock at startup when max_prepared_transactions is too small Recursively fsync() the data directory after a crash Fix autovacuum launcher's possible failure to shut down Cope with unexpected signals in LockBufferForCleanup() Fix crash when doing COPY IN to a table with check constraints Avoid waiting for synchronous replication of read-only transactions Fix two issues with hash indexes Prevent memory leaks in GIN index vacuum Fix two issues with background workers Several fixes to Logical Decoding replication Fix several minor issues with pg_dump and pg_upgrade 此版本还包括将 tzdata 升级至 2015d,同时还更新了 Egypt、Mongolia 和 Palestine,更多改进内容请看更新日志。 PostgreSQL 9.4.2, 9.3.7, 9.2.11, 9.1.16 和 9.0.20 发布下载地址