Calibre 2.29 发布,下载地址请点这里。该版本更新内容如下: 新特性: Allow opening the full Tag Editor dialog directly from the book list by holding down the Shift key while starting an edit of a tag-like field. For example, click on the tags field for a book and press Shift-F2 Tag Browser: Allow undoing the deletion of items in the Manage categories window calibredb add: Allow setting arbitrary identifiers, not just ISBN. Add a 'Retry' button to the news download failed error message. bug 修复: DOCX Output: Detect the common idiom of placing centered images as inline images inside a containing centered block and render the resulting image as a floating centered image in the DOCX file. DOCX Output: Fix incorrect handling of bold/italic in paragraphs where the majority of text is either bold or italic instead of normal Table of Contents editor: Fix save/load of settings in the XPath wizard not working across restarts Get Books: Update the Kobo Store plugin for website changes Calibre是电子书管理软件,支持Amazon、Apple、Bookeen、Ectaco、Endless Ideas、Google/HTC、Hanlin Song设备及格式,功能十分强大。 Calibre 2.29 发布,电子书管理软件下载地址