JsonNet-PHP 是 Google Jsonnet 对 PHP的支持扩展. pecl: http://pecl.php.net/package/jsonnet gitosc: http://git.oschina.net/ciogao/JsonNet github: https://github.com/Neeke/JsonNet Install Jsonnet-PHP扩展 The pecl package is : http://pecl.php.net/package/jsonnet pecl install jsonnet Input (Jsonnet) { cocktails: { // Ingredient quantities are in fluid ounces. "Tom Collins": { ingredients: [ { kind: "Farmers Gin", qty: 1.5 }, { kind: "Lemon", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Simple Syrup", qty: 0.5 }, { kind: "Soda", qty: 2 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Tall", }, Manhattan: { ingredients: [ { kind: "Rye", qty: 2.5 }, { kind: "Sweet Red Vermouth", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Straight Up", }, } } Output (JSON) { "cocktails": { "Tom Collins": { "ingredients": [ { "kind": "Farmers Gin", "qty": 1.5 }, { "kind": "Lemon", "qty": 1 }, { "kind": "Simple Syrup", "qty": 0.5 }, { "kind": "Soda", "qty": 2 }, { "kind": "Angostura", "qty": "dash" } ], "garnish": "Maraschino Cherry", "served": "Tall" }, "Manhattan": { "ingredients": [ { "kind": "Rye", "qty": 2.5 }, { "kind": "Sweet Red Vermouth", "qty": 1 }, { "kind": "Angostura", "qty": "dash" } ], "garnish": "Maraschino Cherry", "served": "Straight Up" } } } Demo of PHP JsonNet::evaluateFile('bar_menu.1.jsonnet'); $Snippet = ' { cocktails: { // Ingredient quantities are in fluid ounces. "Tom Collins": { ingredients: [ { kind: "Farmers Gin", qty: 1.5 }, { kind: "Lemon", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Simple Syrup", qty: 0.5 }, { kind: "Soda", qty: 2 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Tall", }, Manhattan: { ingredients: [ { kind: "Rye", qty: 2.5 }, { kind: "Sweet Red Vermouth", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Straight Up", }, } } '; var_dump(JsonNet::evaluateSnippet($Snippet)); 支持 JsonNet 的 PHP 扩展发布下载地址