Apache CXF 3.1.15 发布了。Apache CXF一个开源的Service框架,它实现了JCP与Web Service中一些重要标准。CXF简化了构造,集成,面向服务架构(SOA)业务组件与技术的灵活复用。 更新内容: Bug 修复 [CXF-5051] - ProtectTokens assertion is not respected for SAML tokens [CXF-6134] - Apache CXF generating constructor with duplicate argument names causing compilation error [CXF-7023] - SOAP over JMS transport does not use XA transactions with Websphere MQ resource adapter [CXF-7389] - JAXRSUtils warning logs [CXF-7470] - WSRM - Cannot set target for recovered source sequence 新特性 [CXF-7535] - Support for Project Reactor as rx() [CXF-7579] - Implement MicroProfile Rest Client 1.0 有关新功能,API更改等的完整列表,请参阅发行说明和迁移指南了解更多细节。 Apache CXF 3.1.15 发布,开源的 Service 框架下载地址