Python 3.7.0b3 发布,此版本为 Python 3.7 的 beta 预览版。 Python 3.7 的主要特性: PEP 538, Coercing the legacy C locale to a UTF-8 based locale PEP 539, A New C-API for Thread-Local Storage in CPython PEP 540, UTF-8 mode PEP 552, Deterministic pyc PEP 553, Built-in breakpoint() PEP 557, Data Classes PEP 560, Core support for typing module and generic types PEP 562, Module __getattr__ and __dir__ PEP 563, Postponed Evaluation of Annotations PEP 564, Time functions with nanosecond resolution PEP 565, Show DeprecationWarning in __main__ PEP 567, Context Variables 具体信息见公布公告 Python 3.7 的第三个 beta 预览版 Python 3.7.0b3 发布下载地址