Bharti Airtel to Introduce Wi-Fi Broadband Services 破解版 Bharti Airtel is rumored to introduce Wi-Fi broadband services in major cities including Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Well with this major tied up outlets will get these Wi-Fi setup from Airtel and you can easily connect your unlimited devices and start downloading on the go. No downloading limitation, boosted up speeds and faster browsing so it will be fun connecting with your friends anytime anywhere. PLANSPRICEDURATION Wi-Fi20Rs.2030Min Wi-Fi30Rs.3060Min Wi-Fi50Rs.50120Min So obviously these services will not be offered for free but these will session based service, so if you need to browse for 30min than you get that plan and your internet will automatically disconnect after that time. Well there is still no exact date for this service to be released but you can get more information on Airtel W-Fi Services by calling toll free no. 18001022244 via - HackingUniversity Bharti Airtel to Introduce Wi-Fi Broadband Services破解版下载 Bharti Airtel to Introduce Wi-Fi Broadband Services绿色版下载 Bharti Airtel to Introduce Wi-Fi Broadband Services便携版下载 Bharti Airtel to Introduce Wi-Fi Broadband Services注册版下载