Portable Genie Timeline Professional 2013 破解版 [軟體名稱] Genie Timeline Professional 2013 [版本語言] v4.0.1.100 英語版 [官方網頁] www.genie9.com [隨身封裝] 7z 這裡 (7.4 MB) [隨身免裝] 7z 這裡 (8.9 MB) [解壓密碼] 無 [軟體概要] Genie9 出品的備份/還原工具軟體 Genie Timeline Professional 2013 One time setup, a lifetime of protection Powerful yet simple Install, configure to your preference, and you done! -3 step configuration -Automatic purge to save space -Protection level to indicate the health of the backup -Timeline view to recover from any point at time Simple_Easy Backs up all your important data It searches for your files in your computer, external and network drives so you don't have to -Backs up your documents, pictures , music, videos and more -Backs up new and modified files; detects changes -keeps versions to recover older or deleted files -Protects mobile data synced to your computer -View your backup in its native or encrypted form -Backs up external, network or any storage attached to your PC Secure Keep your backup safe with military-level encryption -Backs up encrypted drives -Encrypts backup with 256-AES encryption On the go Your backup monitor anytime anywhere! -iPhone/ iPad app to keep track of your backup health -Email notifications and alerts sent directly to your Inbox Fast and lightweight No slowdowns or alerts to interrupt while playing games, movies, or displaying -Saves space and time with machine level deduplication -Doesn take resources -Turbo mode when computer is idle -Power saving and performance modes Automatic No intervention required, it will run without you ever noticing -Set it and forget it -Runs when you need it to -Automatic resume after pauses or disconnections Merges with Windows Context menu options and a Timeline Explorer integrated in Windows -Add/remove files from backup -Recover deleted files -View versions of files in a Timeline -Icon markers to show what files and folders are backed up Seamless System Recovery Protect your computer from hardware failures, crashes and viruses with Disaster Recovery p.s.1:隨身封裝 1--用WinRaR解壓到任何地方(或USB)為單一隨身版xxx(ThinApp).exe 2--此版為Thinstall封裝製作,解壓後無法再次解壓 3--已加註容許32位元的軟體執行於64位元 p.s.2:隨身免裝 1--用WinRaR解壓到任何地方(或USB)為單一Portable_xxx.exe 2--此版為WinRAR壓縮製作,也可再用WinRAR再次解壓為目錄 3--內附必要文件與說明 Portable Genie Timeline Professional 2013破解版下载 Portable Genie Timeline Professional 2013绿色版下载 Portable Genie Timeline Professional 2013便携版下载 Portable Genie Timeline Professional 2013注册版下载