Portable Virtual DJ Studio 6.2 破解版 [軟體名稱] Virtual DJ Studio [版本語言] v6.2 英語版 [官方網頁] www.vdj.net [隨身封裝] 7z 這裡 (2.2 MB) [隨身免裝] 7z 這裡 (961 KB) [解壓密碼] 無 [軟體概要] Next Generation Software 出品的音樂混音工具軟體 Virtual DJ Studio is not like all of the other DJ programs out there. While other programs limit you to two players with a Cross-Fader, Virtual DJ Studio provides you with an entire studio. Virtual DJ Studio gives you a mixer-board interface. Each line offers things you would expect from a typical mixer -- volume fader, mute, crossfader assignment, etc. Additionally, each line contains an MP3/WAV/Karaoke player, with all of the controls you might expect -- including a Pitch/Tempo control. If you have two or more sound cards/audio devices, you can route any line to your secondary device, for headphone preview or beat-matching. Alternatively, you might use this feature to simply allow more control with your external mixer. p.s.1:隨身封裝 1--用WinRaR解壓到任何地方(或USB)為單一隨身版xxx(ThinApp).exe 2--此版為Thinstall封裝製作,解壓後無法再次解壓 3--已加註容許32位元的軟體執行於64位元 p.s.2:隨身免裝 1--用WinRaR解壓到任何地方(或USB)為單一Portable_xxx.exe 2--此版為WinRAR壓縮製作,也可再用WinRAR再次解壓為目錄 3--內附必要文件與說明 Portable Virtual DJ Studio 6.2破解版下载 Portable Virtual DJ Studio 6.2绿色版下载 Portable Virtual DJ Studio 6.2便携版下载 Portable Virtual DJ Studio 6.2注册版下载