Mp3tag v2.57 Portable 破解版 Mp3tag is a powerful and yet easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of common audio formats where it supports ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, iTunes MP4, WMA, Vorbis Comments and APE Tags. It can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words in tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more. Mp3tag supports online database lookups from, e.g., Amazon, discogs, or freedb, allowing you to automatically gather proper tags and cover art for your music library. Mp3tag supports the following audio formats: * Advanced Audio Coding (aac) * Free Lossless Audio Codec (flac) * Monkey's Audio (ape) * Mpeg Layer 3 (mp3) * MPEG-4 (mp4 / m4a / m4b / iTunes compatible) * Musepack (mpc) * Ogg Vorbis (ogg) * OptimFROG (ofr) * OptimFROG DualStream (ofs) * Speex (spx) * Tom's Audio Kompressor (tak) * True Audio (tta) * Windows Media Audio (wma) * WavPack (wv) Main features: Batch Tag Editing Write ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, MP4, WMA, APEv2 Tags and Vorbis Comments to multiple files at once. Support for Cover Art Download and add album covers to your files and make your library even more shiny. Import from Amazon, discogs, freedb, MusicBrainz Save typing and import tags from online databases like Amazon, discogs, freedb, MusicBrainz, and more. Replace characters or words Replace strings in tags and filenames (with support for Regular Expressions). Create Playlists automatically Create and manage playlists automatically while editing. Rename files from tags Rename files based on the tag information and import tags from filenames. Export to HTML, RTF, CSV Generate nice reports and lists of your collection based on user-defined templates. Full Unicode Support User-interface and tagging are fully Unicode compliant. Besides these main features Mp3tag offers a variety of other functions and features ranging ranging from batch export of embedded album covers, over support for iTunes-specific tags like media type or TV Show settings, to combining multiple actions into groups that can be applied with a single mouse click. ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2013-07-06] REL: VERSION 2.57 (for Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8) ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2013-07-06] CHG: Added *.m3u8 to playlist save dialog filter. [2013-07-03] FIX: runtime error during undoing move operation after renaming last file in list. [2013-07-02] LNG: changed syntax for placeholders in language files. [2013-06-29] FIX: runtime error due to wrong use of placeholders in some translations. ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Size: 3.96 MBMp3tag v2.57 Portable破解版下载 Mp3tag v2.57 Portable绿色版下载 Mp3tag v2.57 Portable便携版下载 Mp3tag v2.57 Portable注册版下载