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Multi Commander v3.5.0 Portable 破解版

本帖由 漂亮的石头2013-09-04 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Multi Commander v3.5.0 Portable 破解版

    Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer.
    It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout.

    Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

    It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking , Auto-sorting , Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.
    Tabs allowing you to have multiple folders open.
    Caching that enable fast file browsing.
    Background work for all tasks that takes time to finish, allowing you to continue working without interruptions.
    Customize the layout and colors to fit your styling needs.
    Extensions and plugins that will increase the functionality of Multi Commander.
    FTP, Registry , Zip, 7-Zip, Rar , Tar , GZ , Bz2 , Jar Support
    View and Change file permissions, Take ownership of files.
    Picture tools like Convert / Rotate Pictures, View/Remove EXIF tags, Adjust EXIF Date of pictures.
    Show Movie information from IMDB/Rotten tomato as extra columns on you movie files.
    Audio tools like View Audio file properties, View/Edit MP3 Tags.
    Open API for developers to create extensions and plugins.
    Remember selections when you get back from another location when browsing the filesystem.
    Use mouse and drag and drop or use quick keyboard command for all the task.
    FileOperations plugins that can automatically sort / unpack files when they are moved or copied.
    File viewer that lets you view files of any size, as ASCII/Unicode/UTF8/Binary and Hex.
    Both 32bit and 64bit versions available.
    Handle folders with many thousands of files with easy, And use power full filters to limit what you want to view.
    Compare folders and select the files and folders that are different, that are the same and many other options.
    Power full script engine allowing you to create script that automate tasks.
    Portable. Can be installed and run from portable (USB) device. Will not write any settings/session info on host computer.
    And a lot more....

    Release v3.5 (Build 1500) (3-Sep-2013 )
    310+ Change and some of them are...
    ADDED - File coloring rules editor for creating rule on how files should be colored. (Multiple profiles supported)
    REMOVE- Old file coloring system removed, configuration of it will be converted to ColorRules automatically.
    ADDED - New delete progress window that shows more information.
    ADDED - Save Clipboard dialog will now remember format from previous time.
    CHANGE- Replace RegEx engine used with one that is more Perl compliant.(Used in Search/MultiRename/Script)
    ADDED - MultiRename now support [F] tag to add the folder name of the folder that the file is located in.
    ADDED - MultiRename tool can now reset filelist with currently selected items.
    ADDED - MultiRename now support regular expressions in the Search/Replace part.
    ADDED - Windows Control Panels can now be access from the tools menu (And can be assigned to hotkeys)
    ADDED - Find Open Files Windows can not stop a service processes that has a file opened
    ADDED - Inline rename can now more to previous/next item using up/down keys or return (optional)
    ADDED - Inline rename supports Ctrl+N/Ctrl+E for selecting name/extension
    ADDED - Inline rename supports Ctrl+U/Ctrl+L to convert to upper/lower case
    ADDED - Find Files dialog remembers expanded state between starts
    ADDED - Find Files dialog remembers the search filter between restarts.
    ADDED - Viewing a file from the file search result will now also transfer over the find by content (if any) to the viewer.
    FIXED - File search using to/from date matches do now correct the time for the current timezone correctly.
    ADDED - MultiDataViewer will now remember maximized size/position between runs.
    ADDED - The Main drive bar can be configured to be placed on its own toolbar line.
    ADDED - Can now get the raw LIST result from the FTP (access from the context menu)
    FIXED - FTP Transfer issue if buffer size was too large.
    FIXED - FTP Problem when listing root folder on some servers
    FIXED - Hang that should happen during file copy in rare situations
    FIXED - Very rare hang issue that could happend if a copy operation was aborted.
    FIXED - Settings panel will use same font settings thatis set for the Explorer Panel
    ADDED - Command line command ":winerr " that display the error message for internal windows error codes.
    ADDED - CustomCommand MC.FileSearch.Search now support parameters like ATTRIBUTES/TIME/TIMEFROM/TIMETO
    ADDED - CustomCommand MC.CloseAllTabs now support LEFTONLY/RIGHTONLY as parameter
    ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.SetColoringRules NAME=
    ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.RefreshColoringRules
    ADDED - MultiScript debugger window will now show log output
    ADDED - MultiScript function to sort string/num in an array "$arr2 = ArraySort($arr)"
    ADDED - MultiScript can now replace substring using RegEx. ( StrRegExpReplace( ... ) )
    ADDED - MultiScript function "DeleteFile/DeleteFiles" now support the option "AUTOCLOSEPROGRESS"
    FIXED - MultiScript now handle spaces inside a syntax better
    FIXED - MultiScript initializing a string array using single quote not works again.
    FIXED - 12 Crash issue reported by Crash report system
    SDK - Beta SDK is out - Look in the online forum for more information

    Made By Spoon Studio

    32Bit (Size:7.22MB)

    64Bit (Size:8.09MB)
    Multi Commander v3.5.0 Portable破解版下载 Multi Commander v3.5.0 Portable绿色版下载 Multi Commander v3.5.0 Portable便携版下载 Multi Commander v3.5.0 Portable注册版下载