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Alive Software FlipCreator 电子书刊制作

本帖由 漂亮的石头2013-11-25 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    FlipCreator是一种数字出版软件,它允许你建立逼真的翻页电子出版物、包括电子图书,电子杂志,电子宣传册,电子目录,电子报表,电子通讯。转换 PDF和直接数字出版物的图像。所有的环节和内容表将被自动汇入到您的出版物。您可以添加/编辑 /删除链接和前出版目录。强大的功能,满足您的需要。令人难以置信的直观和用户友好的界面让您发布在几个点击发布、您还可以右键点击PDF并将其转换为直接出版。易于使用。随着我们易于使用的界面,即使是新用户只要点击几下数字出版就能在使用一两分钟内学会没有任何特殊的学习。
    Alive Software FlipCreator | 60.2 MB

    FlipCreator is a professional e-publishing software that allows you to create your own interactive e-publications from PDF and image files with a few mouse clicks. With our easy to use interface, you can make a digital publication in a few mouse clicks Even a new user, you can use FlipCreator within a couple of minutes without any special learning. FlipCreator also supports right click operation, this feature allows you to create a digital publication with only TWO clicks. Links can be inserted into any pages.​

    It can be placed in any position with any size, of cause, you can also adjust it’s position and size with drag-drop operations. You can specify a audio for background. When reader opens the digital publication, the audio will be played automatically. You can also specify audio for each page. When reader turns to the involved page, the audio will be played. FlipCreator supports analyzing and importing table of contents from PDF files. After that, you can edit the imported table of contents. If you want to create it by yourself, instead of importing from PDF, or your PDF does not contain a table of contents, FlipCreator can help you to create table of contents for your digital publication.

    OS : Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / Windows XP / Windows 2008
    Language : English​

    Home Page - http://www.flipcreator.net/

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