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Lynda com PowerPoint from Outline to Presentation

本帖由 漂亮的石头2013-11-26 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员


    Lynda com PowerPoint from Outline to Presentation-QUASAR | 916m


    Sometimes presenters get so wrapped up in creating the perfect slideshow, they forget its job is to support their talking points. In this course, Rich Harrington shares his workflow for building an effective PowerPoint presentation, starting with a strong outline. Learn to create the outline, get input from collaborators, and then transition that outline to an initial slide deck. Once you’re in PowerPoint, Rich will show you how to format your slides; add tables, graphics, movies, and animation (like transitions and reveals); and prepare and rehearse your presentation for your final audience.

    This course was created and produced by Rich Harrington.

    Topics include:

    • Setting a schedule and goals
    • Working in stages
    • Building an outline
    • Using an outline to create your initial slides
    • Formatting text
    • Changing templates and themes
    • Using photos, shapes, and charts in PowerPoint
    • Adding video
    • Animating your slideshow
    • Consolidating, testing, and rehearsing you presentation

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