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本帖由 漂亮的石头2013-11-28 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员


    TopStyle 是一款 CSS 开发辅助工具,即 HTML5 / CSS3 编辑器,它专注于 HTML CSS 设计辅助,提供比较多的功能,如 CSS 代码检查等,据称 TopStyle 的帮助文件非常好,有详细的 CSS 指令,适于初次接触 CSS 的学习之用。

    不过如果你想对 CSS 了如指掌,对 CSS 网页布局非常熟练,还是扔掉一切辅助软件,用记事本开发,而熟练 CSS 之后,再使用此类辅助软件,可以提高工作效率和开发速度。

    TopStyle Pro 是一款所见即所得的div+css样式编辑器软件.您可以编辑出更好更完整的CSS!兼容性更好的CSS样式.TopStyle拥有CSS码检查功能,减少写错的机会。


    TopStyle | 23.5 Mb

    Bring your ideas to life with HTML5 & CSS3. TopStyle 5 supports the newest versions of core standards that drive modern web experiences. You’ll get access to all the latest tags and properties, including assistance from built in tools like Insight, Inspector & validators.

    TopStyle 5 comes with multiple new features, tweaks and improvements that let you work more efficiently. Here’s just a sample of what’s in store for you:

    Hyperlinking (Go to Declaration) & Property Help
    TopStyle’s unique hyperlinking greatly simplifies navigating between documents. Click an HTML class attribute to navigate to the definition of that class in an external style sheet, or click an anchor tag or CSS link to open the linked file for editing. Clicking on a CSS property name in the editor window while holding the Ctrl key down will display detailed help about the selected property.

    Smart Copy and Paste – now 100% faster!
    We believe that even smallest details can be improved and Smart Copy and Paste is our answer. You no longer need to highlight/select a word to copy it. With your cursor in a word all you have to do is press Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+X) and TopStyle will figure out what to select and copy. Smart Paste (Ctrl+Shift+V) will replace the current word. You won’t believe how much you’ll miss this feature in other editors!

    Validation: Style Checker and W3C + CSE + HTML5 validators
    CSS is actually quite simple, but getting it to work in multiple browsers is a challenge. This is where TopStyle shines! TopStyle’s Style Checker is a powerful tool which validates your style sheets against multiple browsers, flagging any invalid properties or values it finds. What’s more, TopStyle enables you to pass your style sheets directly to the W3C’s validation services so you can quickly check against the official specifications.

    CSS3 Media Queries
    CSS3 allows you to specify a style sheet for certain conditions. For example, you can have one style sheet for large displays and a different style sheet specifically for mobile devices. TopStyle 5 allows you to tailor to different resolutions and devices without changing the content.

    CSS Selector Panel
    The CSS Selector Panel displays all selectors in your document. Clicking any selector in the list will dive to the correct spot in a long document. But there is more: you can easily comment out or create new selectors too!

    HTML Structure Panel
    The HTML Structure Panel appears below the code editor, and displays the hierarchy of HTML tags that lead up to your editing position. Selecting the parent tag is easy! When you click on one of the buttons in the HTML Structure Panel, TopStyle 5 will select the corresponding HTML tag (and its contents) in the editor.

    CSS Groups
    One of the most daunting things about building and maintaining a web site can be wading through huge, disorganized style sheets. Nothing is worse than opening up a style sheet someone else has worked on and thinking, “what the heck happened here?”. One of TopStyle’s most powerful features is its ability to group CSS selectors into a folder structure.

    and much more ..

    Home Page - http://www.topstyle4.com/


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