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Handcent SMS 5.3.7 Android

本帖由 漂亮的石头2013-11-30 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员


    Handcent SMS是一款爲Android手机开发的短信增强工具

    > 支持短信,彩信发送
    > 支持批量发送
    > 短信快速回复窗口
    > 完全可定制的界面,并可在线选择和更新主题
    > 可为不同的朋友定制短信铃音和界面
    > 可设定密码,保护信息安全
    > 备份和恢复彩信
    > 多种在线服务
    > 可以设定黑名单和屏蔽垃圾短信
    > 完美支持手机报
    > 私密箱功能,将联系人加入私密箱后,必须通过密码才能访问相关信息,并且私密箱中短信不会被其实第三方程序和系统程序读取,可定制私密联系人的专用提醒(铃声,振动,通知标题等)
    > 支持中国电信的双网双待旗舰手机,包括摩托罗拉系统(XT800,XT800+…),三星系列(I909,I809…)和中兴手机(ZTE R750) ,支持双网发送并显示网络标识

    Handcent SMS 5.3.7

    handcent_market | November 28, 2013 | Communication | Android | .apk | 6 Mb
    The most popular messaging app on the Android Market, Handcent SMS is a powerful SMS/MMS app that fully unleashes the messaging potential of Android devices,free to use. More than just an unsurpassed alternative to the stock Android messaging app, Handcent SMS features optional, seamless online integration with your My Handcent Online account allowing users to circumvent the limitations of the Android OS and wireless carriers.

    The following lists some of Handcent’s most popular features:

    > Full SMS and MMS support augmented with unmatched features powered by the Handcent network

    > Integrated spell checking and additional message composition tools

    > Additional security options allow you to password protect and hide individual messages with the Privacy Box or secure all of your messages. These protections apply regardless if they are viewed in Handcent SMS, the stock Android messaging app, or any third party applications!

    > Support for more than 20 languages and growing as well as support for the various messaging protocols of different countries

    > Handcent’s Contact Locator plugin helps you quickly locate your friends using GPS!

    > Group sending features capable of extending Android’s SMS limitations of 100 messages per hour up to 1,100 messages per hour

    > Optional SMS Popup notification and other notification customizations such as unique notification sounds, vibrate patterns, backgrounds and themes for individual contacts

    > Customize every aspect of your Handcent SMS application with countless themes and skins available for free download from the Handcent Network. New themes are added daily!


    > Mimic the unique messaging layouts of other device manufacturers such as HTC’s Sense, Motorola’s Blur, or even the iPhone!

    > Backup Security powered by the Handcent network allows you to backup all your Handcent’s settings, SMS messages and MMS messages to your My Handcent Online account and restore them if you reinstall Handcent or if you reset your device or upgrade to a new one.

    > Handcent MMS+ allows you to circumvent Android’s MMS limitations and send up to 10 files at 25 megabytes each for a total message size of 250 megabytes! This means sharing higher quality photos, videos, and music!

    > Better MMS support and picture resizing that resolves Android compatibility issues with some carriers such as those in the UK

    > Auto-splitting feature for messages over 160 characters for users on CDMA networks such as Verizon Wireless

    > Additional font packs to further customize your SMS messages are available as downloadable plugins

    > Integrated Blacklist feature with the ability to filter incoming SMS and MMS messages by origin and help block SPAM

    > Manage drafts and undelivered messages

    > Schedule tasks to deliver SMS and MMS messages at a specific time or regular intervals such as daily, weekly or monthly

    > Full support for vCards allows you to send, receive, import and export them with Handcent SMS

    > Share beautiful Handcent eCards with family and friends to mark holidays, birthdays, etc.
    > Send and receive fun emoji icons and smileys to other Android Handcent users as well as iPhone users. Once exclusive to the iPhone, this integrated feature of Handcent SMS may now be enjoyed by Android users. Additional emoji are available as free, downloadable plugins!

    >Group Mms with iphone,useful for US networks

    >Handcent Talk service,send FREE messages/picture to android, iPhone ,Windows phone users easily,fast and security,just register free and login with your handcent account,add buddy then Handcent talk today!

    >Universal messaging that send classic SMS/MMS and Handcent Talk with contact in one converstaion

    >Included 20+ skins and 4000+ themes ,you can find your favorite style (like iOS7 or Sense..) easily and you can share your theme with others

    What’s New
    Version 5.3.8
    - Fixed notification when default messaging application is disabled
    Version 5.3.7
    - New Thanks Giving skin
    - New Ecards for Thanks Giving,Don\’t forget to send a greeting card to your friends
    - Improve Nexus5 support,fixed LED and auto reply message during call
    - Improve Mms support and fix some running at background issue
    - Fixed some known issues

    Additional information
    Updated November 28, 2013
    Size 6.0M
    Current Version 5.3.8
    Requires Android 1.6 and up
    Content Rating Everyone

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