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SynWrite Editor 6.3.380 Multilingual

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-01-13 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    SynWrite 是一款界面友好操作易上手的文本编辑软件,主要用来编写程序的源代码设计等,其主要特性有语法突出,代码的折叠,树结构等。它也提供支持多种编码。至于和Sublime Text 或是 Notepad++ 你可以比较一下谁更好用.

    SynWrite is a free source code editor, HTML editor, and Notepad replacement for Windows systems. It tries to be a full-featured alternative not only to simple Notepad, but also to such rich applications as Notepad++. Initially started as project for building an editor based on the powerful EControl Syntax Editor SDK, SynWrite now offers a wide set of features.

    Since v6.2, SynWrite supports plugins written in Python language. This feature is not 100% innovative – you may know it from one famous text-editor. Python API is now in growing state, it will be extended later.

    SynWrite features
    - Syntax highlighting for lots of languages
    - Fully customizable highlightings
    - Code folding
    - Support for almost all encodings
    - Multiple carets
    - Panels:
    -Tree structure view for source code
    -File explorer
    -Project management
    -FTP/SFTP client
    -Document mini-map
    -Clipboard history
    -External tools output
    -Search results
    -Text clips
    -Tabs list
    - Coding helpers:
    -Auto-completion (for few lexers, see help topic)
    -Auto-closing of tags/brackets
    -Code templates
    -SmartTagTabbing feature
    -SyncEditing feature to edit identical identifiers
    -Emmet (Zen Coding) support (HTML + CSS + XSL high speed coding engine)
    -Color preview
    -Color picker
    -Images preview
    -Inserting of image tag
    -Inserting of date/time stamp
    -Portable bookmarks
    -Column markers
    - Search, replace with regular expressions
    - Search, replace in multiple files
    - External tools support (capture of console output, navigation to error lines)
    - Support for Python-based plugins
    - Support for binary plugins (e.g. Explorer panel and FTP client are plugins)
    - Regex-based strings extraction feature
    - Customizable hotkeys
    - Bookmarks
    - Keyboard macros
    - Spell checker
    - File sessions
    - Plugin for file manager “Total Commander”
    - Multilingual interface: German, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, etc
    - Integrated HTML Tidy library
    - Export to RTF/HTML with syntax highlighting
    - Portable mode
    - and more…

    What’s New in version 6.3.380:
    + Implemented Python API! You can write Py-plugins easily. Call “Tools — New plugin” and write your code in the default method.
    + Updated plugins SynJedi and SynCodeIntel.
    + New plugin SynSharp for C# lexer.
    + Added new distro “SynWrite Lite”.
    + added new “snippets” system. Old “code-templates” system removed. See new menu-items: “Tools – Snippets”, “Tools – New snippet”. New snippets have different macros and allow to have many tabstops like ${1} ${2}… ${0}, and allow to jump over tabstops with Tab key. Inspired by ST2. See new help topic about snippets.
    + added lexer for snippet files
    + updated lexer nnCron (in Readme\MoreLexers)
    + added colors #rrggbbAA show
    + added option “Tree — Sort for these file extensions”
    - removed option “Use Tab key to expand code templates”
    - removed code for command “Code templates popup” (command is visible to reassign Ctrl+J)
    - change: click on micro-map doesn’t move caret
    + added plugins tutorial (En/Rus) in Readme folder
    + added option “View — Colored underlines size” (3px default, width of colored line for HTML color codes)
    + improved “Align with separator” to make single space after separator
    + Python console added: default hotkey is Ctrl+tilde.
    + dialog “Tools — New plugin”.
    - program must be installed not to “Program Files”. Reason: Py-plugins are created inside program subfolder “Py”.
    - distro file increased by 5 Mb because of Py API. You can still delete Py files and folders: DLLs\, Py\, python*.*, msvc*.dll (maybe needed to change *.manifest then, it refers to msvc*.dll). To just disable Py-engine: delete python*.dll.
    - renamed menu “Run” to “Tools”
    + output panel: “Command list” hotkey works, last tab remembered
    + improved lexer Tcl (tree, strings)
    - fixes

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