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COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4 Update 1 Multilanguage Windows / Linux / MacOsx

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-02-03 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员


    COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4 Update 1 | 202.9 mb

    COMSOL, Inc., a leading global provider of engineering simulation software, announced the release of COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4, the latest version of its powerful platform for the modeling and simulation of electrical, mechanical, fluid, and chemical applications.

    This update corrects several bugs and stability issues in COMSOL 4.4. We recommend that you reapply the software update after installing new add-on products to an existing COMSOL 4.4 installation.

    Update Details:
    - COMSOL Multiphysics
    COMSOL now supports Simplified Chinese as one of the languages that you can choose to localize the COMSOL Desktop environment.
    A Deselect Box button is now available to deselect (clear) all selections inside a rubberband box.
    Improved stability and GUI performance.
    Support for system fonts now works correctly.
    Improved support for running COMSOL on computers with non-Latin usernames.
    The convergence plot is now correct when using the double dogleg solver in a continuation sweep.
    Plot while solving now updates only on the innermost study level.
    The unit for Planck’s constant (a predefined physical constant) now displays correctly.
    New strings are available to distinguish “second” meanings in local languages: order (second is between first and third) versus time unit (a second is one 60th of a minute).
    Corrected unit of measurement of inward flow condition in non-3D models using Transport of Diluted Species.
    Keyboard accelerators now work correctly when running COMSOL on Ubuntu 12.04.
    The eigenvalue solver now gives a warning if not all eigenvalues are found.
    Reuse solution for previous step now works correctly for auxiliary sweeps of linear iterative solvers.
    Disabled study steps are now shown with the correct indentation in the model tree.
    The Time-explicit solver now correctly stores the solution at converged time steps if there is an error.
    Plot while solving now works correctly when running from the API with a graphics server.
    Settings window sections can now be expanded and collapsed using arrow keys in the Windows version of the COMSOL Desktop.
    It is now possible to update model libraries also after choosing not to install models during the initial software installation.
    Changing the order of table entries now works correctly when defining polygons using tables.
    - AC/DC Module
    External Current Density will no longer be applicable together with E-J characteristic.
    Several GUI stability improvements.
    The Thin low permittivity gap condition now works together with a moving mesh.
    - Acoustics Module
    Several GUI stability improvements.
    - CFD Module
    The unit of the drag coefficient in the Euler-Euler Model interface is now correct.
    Performance improvements for Reacting Flow, low-Re k-epsilon.
    Stability improvements for some analyses in Spallart-Allmaras turbulence model.
    Stability improvements for Wire gauze.
    Stability impovement for Laminar outflow conditions for some solver selections.
    - Chemical Reaction Engineering Module
    Corrected unit of measurement of the Equilibrium Constant in the Reaction Engineering interface.
    CHEMKIN kinetic data import corrected for third-body reactions.
    Several GUI stability improvements.
    - Electrochemistry Module
    Stability improvements to moving boundary problems in 2D axisymmetric models.
    - Fatigue Module
    The elastic solution with notch assumption in the strain-based fatigue has been corrected. A distinction between tensile and compressive stresses is now made.
    - Heat Transfer Module
    Discontinuous (default) and continuous Lagrange elements are now available for damage integral dependent variables discretization.
    Variable definition for boundary heat source variable is now synchronized with the user input.
    Use of prefix in variables names now prevents duplicate variable names when multiple pair temperature continuity conditions are active on the same boundary.
    Duplicate plot groups in postprocessing menus have been removed.
    Saturation pressure computation is more accurate, especially for temperatures far from 100 °C.
    Corrected revolution angles in the default plot of the 2D axisymmetric version of Heat Transfer in Thin Shells.
    - MEMS Module
    Modified the material properties of Quartz to include both right- and left-handed properties defined according to the two commonly used standards.
    Corrected a problem which caused pressure follower loads to be applied in the wrong direction in some circumstances within the Electromechanics interface.
    Fixed an issue with the expression for the time averaged heat source variable created by the Thermoelasticity interface.
    - Molecular Flow Module
    It is now possible to apply the Number Density Reconstruction feature to Axial Symmetry boundaries.
    - Optimization Module
    The BOBYQA optimization solver now correctly disregards unsupported constraints.
    The BOBYQA optimization solver now respects the setting for maximum number of simultaneous function evaluations also for the initial evaluation.
    The handling of axisymmetric or renamed coordinates with the Least-squares optimization objective has been corrected.
    - Particle Tracing Module
    The Coulomb and Lennard-Jones Particle-particle interaction forces now take into account the out-of-plane position when the Include out-of-plane degrees of freedom property is active.
    The equation display for the Monte Carlo collision model option in the Elastic Collision Force has been corrected.
    The out-of-plane velocity now correctly takes into account changes in the particle mass when the Include out-of-plane degrees of freedom property is active.
    The out-of-plane particle velocity is now updated correctly when the Include out-of-plane degrees of freedom property is active and the Bounce option is used in the Wall boundary condition.
    Field-dependent forces can now be assigned to a subset of domains.
    Equation display for normal Inlet velocity is now correct.
    - Pipe Flow Module
    Pumps, bends, and valves in the Pipe Flow Module now work with moving meshes.
    Corrected problem with when adding wall layers to rectangular pipe shapes.
    - Plasma Module
    Importing a Chemkin thermo or transport file now works correctly in the Plasma Module physics interfaces.
    Units for the forward rate constant in the Electron impact reaction and Reaction features are now correct.
    - RF Module
    Second-order scattering boundary condition can now be used in 2D axisymmetry.
    Stability and accuracy improvements.
    - Semiconductor Module
    Fixed an issue with certain options for the initial conditions when the Semiconductor interface is coupled to the Heat Transfer in Solids interface.
    Corrected the variable displayed next to the user input for the Relative Acceptor Energy for the Incomplete Ionization settings in the Semiconductor Material Model node.
    Improved the smoothing settings for 1D default plots.
    Nonfunctional user inputs in the User Defined Recombination feature no longer appear in the user interface.
    - Structural Mechanics Module
    It is now possible to model friction together with rigid domains.
    Using rigid connectors in a Shell interface now works as expected also if the model contains a Solid Mechanics interface.
    When using a Rigid Connector with a Mass and Moment of Inertia subnode in the Shell interface, generation of the solver sequence could fail for a Transient solver.
    Coriolis forces in frequency domain analysis have been corrected.
    - ECAD Import Module
    Fixes issue with parsing of certain ODB++ archives.
    Fixes issue with decompression of certain ODB++ archives.
    - LiveLink for Excel
    The LiveLink add-in is now correctly installed for 64-bit version of Excel.
    The LiveLink add-in can now be loaded by 64-bit Click-to-Run version of Excel 2013.
    Materials with uppercase letters now appear correctly in the Material Browser after export from an Excel spreadsheet.
    The correct unit is now displayed for stress tensor in the settings for material export.
    Material property names are now used to generate the function names for field-dependent material properties.
    Several stability improvements.
    - LiveLink for SolidWorks
    Fixes problem with disappearing COMSOL Multiphysics tab in SolidWorks after de-activating and re-activating the LiveLink add-in.
    Several stability improvements and corrections for the bidirectional and the One Window interfaces.
    - LiveLink for Inventor
    Selections for materials are now synchronized for surface bodies in assembly components.
    Assemblies with surface bodies in components are now synchronized.
    Selections for materials are now synchronized for surface bodies in part files.
    Fixes problem with unloading of certain add-ins when loaded in Inventor at the same time as the LiveLink add-in.
    Several stability improvements and corrections for the bidirectional and the One Window interfaces.


    About COMSOL

    COMSOL provides simulation software for product design and research to technical enterprises, research labs, and universities through 18 offices and a distributor network throughout the world. Its flagship product, COMSOL Multiphysics, is a software environment for modeling and simulating any physics-based system. A particular strength is its ability to account for coupled or multiphysics phenomena. Add-on products expand the simulation platform for electrical, mechanical, fluid flow, and chemical applications. Interfacing tools enable the integration of COMSOL Multiphysics simulation with all major technical computing and CAD tools on the CAE market.

    Name: COMSOL Multiphysics
    Version: Update
    Home: www.comsol.com
    Interface: multilanguage
    OS: Windows / Linux / MacOsx
    Size: 202.9 mb

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