- Improved performance in the rich text editor.
- Fixed trophies not being awarded at session creation as expected.
- Fix certain cases where the image proxy would unexpectedly fail to detect a valid image.
- Support downloading attachments with UTF-8 file names in IE.
- Ensure a more correct following count is shown when viewing a member's profile in some cases.
- Throw an error when sending a warning and only one of the conversation title or message box has been completed.
- Fix an incorrect permission check over viewing the moderator actions taken against a thread.
- Fix incorrect logic relating to the DNSBL cache used at registration.
- Prune drafts hourly rather than daily.
- Fix a situation where the spam cleaner would not remove replies by a spammer to their own thread.
- Ensure that there is no default text decoration on <abbr> tags in Firefox.
- Use a new "simple" BB code formatter when creating snippets for RSS feeds to prevent unexpected code from running.
- Update the bundled version of jQuery Migrate to 1.2.1.
- Copying from the template preview in template modifications did not maintain line breaks in Firefox.
- Fix an issue importing older attachments from SMF.
- Fix an issue where the vBulletin importer could infinitely loop.