Replace the phrase xenforo_copyright with the following: <a href="" class="concealed">Forum software by XenForo™ {version}...
修改模板 thread_view 查找 <xen:navigation> <xen:breadcrumb source="$nodeBreadCrumbs" /> </xen:navigation> 下面加入 <xen:if is="{$canReply}">...
修改模板sidebar.css 替换红色代码 .mainContainer { float: right; margin-left: -{xen:calc '@sidebar.width + 10'}px; width: 100%; } .mainContent {...
会话中显示签名导致页面比较杂乱,修改方法如下 修改模板message 查找 <xen:if is="{$visitor.content_show_signature} && {$message.signature}"> <div class="baseHtml...
去除其他页面内的标题栏论坛名称 编辑模板PAGE_CONTAINER 查找 <title><xen:if is="{$title}">{xen:raw $title} | {$xenOptions.boardTitle}<xen:else...
加入的是编辑会员资料,跟编辑会员权限的两个按钮 修改模板 member_view 查找 <div class="followBlock"> 下面加入 <xen:if is="{$visitor.is_admin}"> <a...
修改模板member_view 查找 <div class="avatarScaler"> <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} == {$user.user_id}"> <a class="Av{$user.user_id}l OverlayTrigger"...
This is a simple template modification which will show the first post only to guests and hide the rest and show them a message instead. Which you...
This change allows to hide the e-mails to guests. Requires editing a PHP file XenForo. In the file library/XenForo/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php ",...
This will create a simple tab link in the navbar. Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> navigation Add this code (insert an appropriate link...
查找模板share_page 在 <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.facebookLike}"> <div class="facebookLike shareControl">...
Simply put, this adds the date and time to your footer. Clicking it will take you to the Preferences page, where you can change the time zone....